Wednesday, January 26, 2011


There's some pictures of some animals we've seen here recently. The picture of the kids is a school they all go to. All the children were so nice. At the bottom is ouguiva, the Mauritanian currency. We'll tell you more about our day today soon! :)

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

just woke up!!!!!

Hey yall!!!We just woke up and its about 6:00 pm here but we dont know what time it is in the U.S because everyone here speaks the national language hassaniya.Its really hard to understand!! Anyways since in that last post we didnt get to telluabout some stuff..were gunna do it now!! ok so that nice lady ( who we found out her name was falala!!!cool right!!) told us alot about what things stayed the same  since the colonization in 1960. Some of those things were the languages,people,economy,and roads.which is pretty good i think.....anyways, she also told us that the literacy rate was only 55.8. which is really sad :(.And she told us that mauritania's natural resources are fish,iron,rice,tropical vegitation and sooooo much more!! its hard to believe their one of the poorest countries in the world!!! The country of Mauritania is a democratic republic and  the president is mohamed aziz. oh and our picture is of some written hassaniya isnt it coooollll!!!!(:

more about that lady!!!

  Hey everybody! We just got in and were really bored so we decided to tell you more about that lady that we mentioned in our last post!! Also we wanted to raise a lot of awareness to a big problem in Mauritania. its this little (more like huge) thing called desertification. desertification is when the desert starts to spread and takes away precious farmland.Which is really bad for the Mauritanians because they are big farmers and their economy is based on agriculture. So tomorrow me, Megan ,and Emily are going to a meeting where some nice people are going to teach us new farming techniques to stop or slow down desertification. Then were going to some villages to teach the villagers  what we learned. hopefully we'll really be helping them out!! Alright well we'll check back in with y'all in a little bit but right now were going to take a nap.We just got back from camel riding in the Sahara (which p.s. covers most of northern Mauritania) and were exhausted!!so ya we'll talk to y'all in a bit!! byyyee!! p.s. that picture is the lady we met and the one of the camels are the camels we rode!! aren't they just sooo adorable!!!(:

Monday, January 24, 2011


Hey guys sorry we havent posted in a loooonnng time..but were just havin so much fun in mauritania!!we have met so many nice people and they have all been very helpful in giving us directions..thanks to megan who doesnt  know how to read a map!!(: We met a another lady from the U.S. who said that so many things in Mauritanie have changed since the colonization in 1960. we asked her wat she meant and she stated that now they have a constitution and the government was different. i dont know about Emily and Megan but i know i was blown away by all the stuff she told us!!! but ill have to tell u about that later cuz were going fishing!!!!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

It's Really hot!!!!!!!!!

It's around 100 degrees F in Mauritania now and were really missing the air conditioning.  Today were sailing the senegal river and we'll tell you how it goes.

Friday, January 21, 2011

mauritanian national anthem!!

this is soooo cool!!!(:

Welcome To Our Blog!

Hey! We finally made a blog, it took a long time, but we're here in Mauritania! We will be blogging about our adventures here. Okay, we are off to have some tea! Bye!(: